This was subject of the emails I spammed to almost all the people in the address book. I am very excited to have Arav as an addition to our family.
He was 6 lb 13 oz when born, 20 inch tall, very nice and black hair, tiny but long fingers (just like his mom). I have no words to show my appreciation to Krutika (my wife) for what she had gone through to give me this precious gift.
Having Aai - Baba (Krutika's parents) with us is a tremendous advantage. Being her mom, and also after managing many labors back home in India, Aai was very calm in the waiting room whereas Baba was getting anxious about his daughter. They were very eager to hear the news and were standing outside the labor room. My mom, dad and sister were also getting very anxious back home in India and were calling frequently once they knew that Krutika is in active labor. It was a blend of excitement and nervousness which is difficult to explain. One has to go through it to get a feel of it. I did manage to capture some pics and video right after the delivery and sent the camera out for Aai-Baba to see the baby.
I am also thankful to have some amazing friends who are there if you need them or not! During the 4 days Krutika and baby stayed in the hospital, they took care of helping my in-laws in all the possible situations like cooking food for them, get grocery etc. They stayed till 2am the night Arav was delivered. We are really thankful to them. They are all excited and we are hoping that the excitement will lead to some good new in near future! One of my friend quickly took couple of pics of Arav on his phone and emailed to my parents so that they get the privilage to see the baby soon.
It was a long and tiring labor for Krutika (as you can see in the picture). She was bed ridden since she had been admitted in the hospital. It took 48 hrs for Arav to finally show up. I had to stay calm and supportive and watch her in pain. Nurse told me a magic mantra ...."the more pain she feels, sooner the baby will arrive!" That helped me a lot to handle the situation. Krutika was already aware of the process and I had a brief introduction in the child birth classes we attended couple of months ago. The classes indeed helped me to "not freak out".
We arrivd back home on Tuesday night. Arav was detected with jaundice and doctor suggested to keep him under "photo therepy" (thanks to the wet weather with no sun light). As a result, we ended up in the hospital again for Arav's jaundice treatment.
He was kept in an incubator like enclosure with light source on the top with his eyes covered. It was a tiring 30 hr stay in the hospital but worth it for Arav. It was not fun to watch him in the chamber, being so small....just 4 days old and having to be under that fluorescent light. But, it worked out well and we were really really home on Friday night.....huh.
During the weekend, I made sure to have all the arrangements for the upcoming week....especially since I have to go back to work and it was Aai-Baba who were going to take care of Krutika and Arav.
It was a long and tiring labor for Krutika (as you can see in the picture). She was bed ridden since she had been admitted in the hospital. It took 48 hrs for Arav to finally show up. I had to stay calm and supportive and watch her in pain. Nurse told me a magic mantra ...."the more pain she feels, sooner the baby will arrive!" That helped me a lot to handle the situation. Krutika was already aware of the process and I had a brief introduction in the child birth classes we attended couple of months ago. The classes indeed helped me to "not freak out".
We arrivd back home on Tuesday night. Arav was detected with jaundice and doctor suggested to keep him under "photo therepy" (thanks to the wet weather with no sun light). As a result, we ended up in the hospital again for Arav's jaundice treatment.
He was kept in an incubator like enclosure with light source on the top with his eyes covered. It was a tiring 30 hr stay in the hospital but worth it for Arav. It was not fun to watch him in the chamber, being so small....just 4 days old and having to be under that fluorescent light. But, it worked out well and we were really really home on Friday night.....huh.
During the weekend, I made sure to have all the arrangements for the upcoming week....especially since I have to go back to work and it was Aai-Baba who were going to take care of Krutika and Arav.
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